Take a look at what I've been working on!

cover AI storytelling proyect

AI Storytelling Project

Built with HTML, CSS, AI API and JS

cover of weather app project

Weather App Project

Built with React.js. Select any place in the world to see the current weather and forecast

cover of Alicia Keys project

Alicia Keys

Built with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Showcases responsiveness

cover of dictionary app project

Lexipic Dictionary

Built with React.js and APIs integration, this dictionary shows word definitions and images as result

cover of travel project

Travel Project

Built with HTML and CSS, showcases dark-theme button

cover of music app project

My first project

Built with HTML, CSS and JavaScript, at the beginning of my coding journey, I created this simple and fun project about R&B music. Using JavaScript prompts, I created an interactive experience where users could influence responses. It's a demonstration of my early days in coding, capturing the playful side of web development.

cover of Universal Clock project

Universal Clock project

Built with JavaScript, user can select different locations to display the current time. Including their actual location

Tools and Technologies that I use to create my projects

Visual Code Studio
Api Management
Hosting Tools | Netlify
Responsive Development